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Through the creation of Ecomod we had the opportunity to start with a blank page. We chose only the most sustainable and highest quality products with which to build. We modified our initial designs to work with these green building materials and Ecomod was born.

All of us have the ability and the intellect to prevent damage to our environment. Each day we make choices as businesses and consumers that can positively or negatively impact the environment. In business, much emphasis is placed on immediate profits without regard to whether or not these practices and profits are sustainable.

If we as consumers and businesses make the choice to only purchase and provide products that are guided by sustainability, we will shape our future into one that is capable of wonderful and endless possibilities.

While researchers, experts, and government officials debate the studies and impacts of our actions to our natural environment, we as the consumers and businesses hold the real power. If our business and purchasing decisions display that we are only interested in products that promote the health of ourselves and our planet, we will make the decision for them.

The cumulative effect of our environmentally responsible purchasing, designing, and building will allow we the people to change our world and shape a beautiful world for future generations.

A Word from the Designer

Through my family, friends and perfect strangers, I have been given a wonderful and optimistic outlook on our future to come. Through Ecomod Designs I wanted to create a furniture line that would bring prosperity and peace to those who gather around it.

-John G.